Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Free Anne of Green Gables | Courtesy of Alexa

If you have an Amazon Echo, did you know that for the month of April you can listen to the audiobook Anne of Green Gables for free through Audible? This series (AoGG is the first in a set of 6, with 2 continuation books by Lucy Maud Montgomery) has remained near and dear to my heart since I was old enough to read books without pictures! I am an Ann-with-an-e fan through and through. Yes, I have the movies memorized, yes, Anne quotes are part of my everyday speech, yes, I've been to Prince Edward Island, yes, my last home was named Windy Poplars, yes, my vintage camper is named Patty's Place, yes, this blog is called Ingleside... I'm sure there are many other fangirl references in my life, but those are just a few that come quickly to mind. ;-).

If it's been awhile since you've enjoyed these books and their captivating red-headed heroine, just ask Alexa to "Read Anne of Green Gables" while you're making dinner, dusting, or folding clothes this month... It'll be the perfect lead-up to the new Anne series being released on Netflix in May!

Any other Anne fans out there?

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